Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Impressions

Hello from beautiful Kona, Hawaii!

I can't believe we are actually HERE. It seemed like it would never happen... I actually had myself convinced the plane was going to crash in the Pacific and I'd be evading smoke monsters and hiding from The Others for the next 3 years...

But we are here! It has been a crazy 3 days (which started with a 4 hour delay in Seattle, which led to us. Sing the VERY last of 600+ people to arrive) and my brain is TIRED. We start classes tomorrow but we've already met a bunch of people- including someone from Rathdrum. What the what? INW is representing at DTS this quarter!!

Some highlights: Jordan and Zoe have already met their best friends, and leave it to my little socialites to find girls from two different countries- Zoes BFF is from Canada, and Jordan's is from South Korea.
We made it to the beach today... it was 1/2 a mile of highway hiking, but we made it!
Hawaiian culture- I'm obsessed. I had to stop myself from stalking the islanders in a Walmart (yes, made it there too--- 3 mile hike round trip) and asking them to adopt me.
Everyone being so welcoming and friendly to our family.
Currently hearing 3 different languages being spoken outside my window (Korean, Norwegian, and English).
Being able to learn in-person from Lauren and Darlene Cunningham (the founders of YWAM)
Not having to prepare, cook, or clean up after a single meal. And the food is GOOD.
The three bigs loving their school (they had a half day Friday.) They didn't even want a weekend, they wanted more foundation school!!
Spending time with our awesome cousin/nanny.
So. Much. Jesus. :D

Love from all, to all!!!
The Smiths


  1. Aaaahhhhh!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I'm thrilled for what God has done, is doing, and will do in and through you as you take each unpredictable step forward in faith. I'm proud of the growth I've seen in your family and your willingness to sell everything to gain the REAL treasure. And I had no idea you started a blog in October. I think you told me like, two months ago. Can't wait to see pictures. :) Praying for Jesus to be your energy! Oh, and coffee. Lots of coffee. Love you!

  2. Glad you made it safe n sound!🤗
    ~Rebecca Long

    1. Hi Rebecca! So good to hear from you! I hope you and the kids are doing great this session :)
